Does Delibr integrate with any other products?
We offer integrations with Jira Cloud, Slack, Confluence and Google Drive.
You can link Delibr with Jira Cloud and create issues directly from Delibr. You can also link bullets to already existing Jira issues. To read more, visit the designated help center article here.
You can link Delibr with Slack to get notifications on what is happening to a document. The link is created from a document in Delibr to a new channel in Slack. To read more, visit the designated help center article here.
You can integrate Delibr with Confluence and attach Delibr documents to your pages. To read more, visit the designated help center article here.
You can integrate Google Drive with Delibr. This will enable you to create Delibr documents from Google Drive. To read more, visit the designated help center article here.
If you have suggestions for integrations that would improve your current workflows, please let us know by writing to us in the in-app chat in the bottom right corner.