How do I invite others to my documents?

Sharing a document via URL

If the person you're sharing the document with is a member of your team, and the document has "team sharing" turned ON, you can simply send them the URL of the document you wish to share with them. 

Upon entering the document, the person who clicked the link will be asked to join the document. 

Sharing a document via the share modal 

If the person is not a member of your team, or the document has "team sharing" turned OFF, you can invite people in the share modal. 

You can access the share modal from any document, via the blue Share button located in the upper right of the document. 

Once you open the share modal, you will be given the possibility to: 

  1. Turn team sharing ON and OFF. Decide if you want the other members of your team to be automatically allowed to join the document or not. Also choose if they are allowed as editors or participants.
  2. Invite people by name or e-mail. Enter the names (if the are already a member of your team) or e-mails of the people you wish to invite to the document. You can invite multiple people at once using comma separated names or e-mails. 
  3. Share by link. Select link sharing settings by clicking the downward facing arrow to the left of COPY. Copy the URL and share with the intended person/people. 

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