Keyboard shortcuts

For a frictionless editing experience, you can use the keyboard for almost all commands when you're editing Delibr documents. 

Due to differences in keyboard layout in some countries, some combinations and hotkeys might not always work. If you do experience any problem, please send us an email!

💡Tip: If you want to see the available keyboard shortcuts directly in the app, click on the grey keyboard in the bottom right corner in a document. 

Keyboard shortcuts


Change between bullet types:  
Heading bullet ctrl + H ctrl + H
Plain text bullet ctrl + backspace ctrl + backspace
ToDo bullet ctrl + T ctrl + T
Multi-answer question ctrl + M ctrl + M
Yes/no question ctrl + B ctrl + B
Option ctrl + O ctrl + O
Pro  ctrl + + ctrl + +
Con  ctrl + - ctrl + -
User story bullet ctrl + u ctrl + u
Moving bullets and sections:
Indent bullet/section tab tab
Un-indent bullet/section shift + tab shift + tab
Move bullet up ctrl + arrow key up ctrl + arrow key up
Move bullet down ctrl + arrow key down ctrl + arrow key down
Select multiple bullets* shift + arrow key up/down shift + arrow key up/down
Remove multiple bullets* ctrl + shift + backspace ctrl + shift + backspace
Expand/Collapse selected bullet ctrl + space ctrl + space
Collapse all bullets to level 1,2,3 ctrl + 1,2,3 ctrl + 1,2,3
Collapse everything except question bullets  ctrl + 4 ctrl + 4
Collapse everything except ToDo bullets ctrl + 5  ctrl + 5
Expand all bullets ctrl + 6 ctrl + 6

Global document search ctrl + k ctrl + k
Decision (only works for the question type bullets)  
Enter/Exit decide mode  ctrl + D ctrl + D
Select option ctrl + 1,2,3...9 ctrl + 1,2,3...9
Yes/No  ctrl + Y/N ctrl + Y/N
Confirm decision  Enter Enter
Jira integration 
Open the 'Create Jira issue'-modal ctrl + j
ctrl + j
Open the "Connect Jira issue'-modal ctrl + shift + j ctrl + shift + j

*action can only be made with keyboard

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