Introducing the Product trees in Delibr

In this article

You will learn what the product trees are, and why you should use them

As Product Managers, our role often involves navigating complex trade-offs to align with our stakeholders' vision. While we can build the requested feature, it's crucial to consider: will it synergize with our overarching objectives? Let's delve into this together - what assumptions are we making about this feature's impact, and what other initiatives might we need to deprioritize as a result? Engaging in this dialogue helps us chart the most effective path forward.

Product trees - they're not just for shade! This ingenious technique brings to life the intricacies of our decisions, offering a vivid model for discussing trade-offs with stakeholders. It's like having a roadmap, showing us not just where we are, but the various paths we can take. Engaging with a product tree, we can more effectively navigate our options, ensuring our choices are both strategic and informed. 

In Delibr you can choose from three types of trees: Opportunity Solution Trees, Jobs-To-Be-Done Trees, and Product Hierarchy Trees. 

What are Product Trees?

Picture this: we're artists, and our canvas is the product we're building. On this canvas, we place documents, each a piece of our goals, opportunities, and solution ideas. By drawing lines between them, we're not just doodling - we're mapping out relationships and pathways. Take, for example, our mission to boost customer satisfaction with our app. We've got two main paths: weaving personalization into the app's fabric, or expanding to cover more of what our customers crave. Each path is a line drawn from our goal, sprouting the initial branches of our tree.

But why stop there? Let's add more branches by diving deeper into each opportunity, grafting on specific ideas like new use cases to enrich our product. Doing this in Delibr? You'd end up with a masterpiece that's part tree, part roadmap, and entirely illuminating.

Imagine each card in our tree as a treasure chest, a Delibr document where we stash our notes, capture our rationale, and so much more. 

Now, let's zoom into a stakeholder meeting. Picture a tree like this taking center stage, showcasing all our potential paths and solutions. When a stakeholder pitches a new feature, it's not a shot in the dark. Together, we see where this puzzle piece fits in our grand design. Each card on our tree isn't just a pretty face; click on it, and voila! Notes and insights spring to life.

And the best part? This isn't a static picture. It's a living, breathing overview that we can dress up with statuses, comments, and a kaleidoscope of other features, making it a dynamic tool in our product management arsenal.

The three types of tree

Product Hierarchies 

Think of product hierarchies as the blueprint of our product's universe. It's where we chart the cosmos of our product components, be they features, modules, or any other celestial bodies that form our product galaxy. By arranging these elements in a hierarchical cosmos, we get a stellar map of our product's structure and the gravitational pulls between components.

But that's not all. This hierarchy isn't just a map; it's also a guestbook, welcoming customer feedback with open arms. Each level of the hierarchy, from the smallest satellite feature to the biggest module planet, offers a landing spot for insights and ideas from our users. It's like having a cosmic conversation, where every part of our product listens and evolves based on the voices of those it serves.

Opportunity Solution Trees

Let's embark on a journey with opportunity solution trees, our trusty guides in the product management wilderness. These trees are more than just a tangle of branches; they're our strategic map to unearth and rank product opportunities and their budding solutions. Imagine sketching out a tree, each branch cradling a different opportunity, each leaf whispering a potential solution.

This isn't just a pretty arboreal picture; it's a tool for exploration and comparison. With each branch we trace, we weigh options, cross-examine paths, and make enlightened decisions on which opportunities deserve our spotlight and the best ways to illuminate them. It's like being a gardener and a detective at once, nurturing our product's growth while uncovering the secrets to its success.

Jobs-to-be-Done Trees 

Welcome to the world of jobs-to-be-done trees, where we become detectives in our users' lives. Picture crafting a tree, not of leaves and branches, but of user needs and goals, each one whispering the secrets of our target users. Each branch represents a job to be done, each leaf a valuable user insight.

This tree isn't just for show; it's a deep dive into understanding what makes our users tick. By charting out these jobs and insights, we don't just see our users — we get them. It's like having a roadmap that guides us in developing our product, ensuring every feature and function is a step towards meeting our users' needs more precisely. In this journey, our product doesn't just grow; it evolves, becoming a solution that truly resonates with those it's meant to serve.  


Product trees in Delibr offer a powerful way to organize and visualize your product ideas and insights. Whether you are defining product hierarchies, evaluating opportunities, or understanding user needs, product trees provide a flexible and intuitive framework to support your product development process. Start using product trees in Delibr today and unlock the full potential of your product ideas.

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