Opportunity Solution Trees in Delibr

In this article

You'll learn how to create Opportunity Solution Trees in Delibr

Step right up to the grand unveiling of Delibr's Opportunity Solution Tree (OST) feature – your new navigator in the world of product management!

The OST is like a magical treehouse for your ideas, organizing and prioritizing user problems and feature dreams in a dynamic, interactive way. Picture this: a tree blooming with documents, each leaf representing a step towards a desired outcome. You get to tag every document with handy meta-data like type, priority, or the team captain steering its course.

Ready to plant your tree? Start by creating a new tree in the sidebar and make sure to set the type of tree to "Opportunity Solution Tree" in the settings menu. Add an outcome at the top of the tree, and from this fertile ground, you can branch out, adding related opportunities, solutions and experiments as new branches and leafs. 

But wait, there's more! You can sprinkle some priority dust on your documents, helping you zero in on the most crucial ones first. It's like having a compass that always points to 'important.'

And the cherry on top? Assign teams to your documents. It's like delegating quests in an epic adventure, ensuring each team is on the right trail, exploring the right documents. Welcome aboard this journey with Delibr's OST, where organizing, prioritizing, and collaborating becomes a thrilling expedition!

Introducing opportunity solution trees

  1. The Treetop of Desired Outcomes: Perched at the very top of our OST treehouse is the 'Desired Outcome.' It's the star we're reaching for, be it a lofty business goal or a transformative product aim. This pinnacle is where our aspirations, whether they're objectives, key results, or user behavior changes, glitter against the sky.
  2. A Canopy of Opportunities: Just below our desired outcome, nestled in the lush canopy, are the 'Opportunities.' These are the echoes of user needs, pains, and desires, whispered by the leaves. Here, we use special cards like 'step' and 'role' to weave a richer tapestry of these opportunities, giving each one its unique space in our treehouse.
  3. Branches Laden with Solutions: Descending to the next level, we find branches heavy with potential 'Solutions.' These are the fruits of our creativity – initiatives, epics, or user stories – each one a possible path to address the opportunities above. It's where our ideas transform into actionable plans.
  4. Roots of Experiments: At the base of our treehouse are the 'Experiments.' This is where we test the soil, exploring various ways to ensure our solutions are sound and sturdy. It's about de-risking our strategies, making sure they're rooted in reality.

By constructing this OST treehouse, we're not just building a structure; we're charting a comprehensive map. It spans from the insights we've gathered in our discovery journey, through the canopy of goals we're aiming to achieve, down to the solutions and experiments that will help us get there. This magical treehouse then becomes an invaluable tool for aligning with stakeholders, prioritizing our solutions and opportunities, and brainstorming experiments, ensuring that every step we take is towards making our treehouse – and our product – a place of wonder and success. 

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