
Before diving into the solution, always make sure to have the problem articulated and properly substantiated. 

Start lean, then build from there

A short problem statement goes a long way. If this is all you after you first come in to think about the epic, that can be good enough. You can always come back later to define exactly what the problem is and to add more details to substantiate why this is a problem worthwhile pursuing.

Headings consider adding

As you dig deeper and depending on the type of epic you are working on, consider adding more details. Below are some of the headings that may be relevant to add.

Background information

More context that is relevant to know, beyond the description of the problem.

Target audience

Description of the type of user who is experiencing this problem and that we aim to help.

Customer feedback

Summary of the customer feedback that has been collected related to the problem.

Internal feedback

Summary of the internal feedback that has been collected related to the problem.

Supporting data

Additional data that supports the problem.

Measure of success

Description of how to evaluate whether the problem is solved. If there is a connection to OKR (Objectives and Key Results), show how solving this problem contributes to the overall goal. Also, describe tracks that will need to be implemented to be able to determine whether this epic was a success. 

Opportunity tree

Visualize the best way to your desired outcome, looking at different problems/opportunities and solutions for those. Benefit from the structure of the bullet outliner as you detail these:

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